P4 Protocol Specification v0.2

Version 0.2, April 6 2002. Also see P4 and P4 Proposal.

Ken Ashcraft, Ryan Barrett, Maulik Shah, Nathan Stoll

1. Introduction
2. Protocol Definition
2.1. Message Overview
2.2. Connecting and Disconnecting
3. Message Header
4. Message Types
4.1. HELLO
4.2. PING
4.6. LKA
4.7. LKA-ACK
4.8. DATA
5. Other Types
5.1. LKA
5.2. Plugin Info
6. Message Routing and Behavior
7. Miscellaneous
7.1. PKI
7.2. Plugin ID Management

1. Introduction

P4 is a distributed, peer-to-peer network platform with an extensible plugin architecture. This allow developers to build their own network-aware applications without having to recreate middle-level network services. The P4 platform provides middle-level services including user location and authentication, broadcast and direct send/receive, common application discovery, and data encryption. (For more information on developing with the P4 platform, see the P4 API Specification.) Due to its peer-to-peer design, the P4 protocol is highly fault-tolerant. This is critical, as the network is expected to have a high turnover rate in terms of the connected hosts.

2. Protocol Definition

The P4 protocol defines how P4 clients communicate with each other to provide the services described above. It consists of a standard message header, a set of message types, a set of data types that are often used in messages, and required routing behavior for clients that implement the P4 protocol.

2.1. Message Overview

There are two primary types of messages: system messages, used to manage the P4 network, and data messages, which contain information to be used by plugins. All of the message types except DATA are system message types. Currently, the following messages are defined:

Message Description
HELLO Sent when a client connects to the network. Used to notify other clients of the user’s address and active plugins.
PING Used to query the user logged on at a given address. A client that receives a PING should respond with a PING-ACK.
PING-ACK The response to a PING. Includes the name of the user logged onto the client that received the PING.
CONNECT Opens a P4 network connection. (Connections are two-way.)
DISCOVER Sent in order to acquire a connection to a new host. This will eventually result in a CONNECT message from another host.
LKA Requests a copy of the LKA table. (See 5.1. LKA)
LKA-ACK The response to an LKA message. Includes a copy of the sender’s LKA table.
DATA Contains data for a plugin.

Figure 2.1.1: The P4 message types.

2.2. Connecting and Disconnecting

A P4 client connects to the P4 network by connecting to another client that is already connected to the network. The method of initially finding a connected client is not part of the P4 protocol and will not be described here. (Usually, this is done out-of-band. Clients are encouraged to write a cache of known client addresses to disk, so that they can use this list to automate the acquisition of client addresses.)

All communication between clients is done over TCP/IP connections. These may be long-lived (if initiated with a CONNECT message) or short-lived (if initiated with most other messages). To send a P4 message, after establishing a TCP connection to the remote client, the following null-terminated, ASCII-encoded string should be sent:

P4 CONNECT/<protocol version string>

where <protocol version string> is the ASCII string containing the protocol version. In this case, it is “0.2” (without quotes). Note that there is no ‘v’ character before the version number.

If the remote client supports the given protocol version, then it must respond with the null-terminated, ASCII-encoded string:


If the local client receives this string, then it may then send one of the messages in Figure 2.1. If the remote client responds with any other string (or doesn’t respond), the connection fails and the local client should close the TCP/IP connection. Note that the remote client may be a P4 client that does not implement the specified version of the protocol. If the local client supports multiple versions, it may try again with another version string.

To disconnect, either side may simply close the TCP/IP connection.

3. Message Header

All P4 messages have a standard header. This header includes the message type, routing and multiplexing information, and the sender’s username and signature. The header has a total length of 56 bytes, most of which is due to the username and signature. The header is as follows:

0 (bits)        8               16                              32
|      flags    | for future use |           plugin ID           |
|                            data length                         |
|                            message ID                          |
|                            (64 bits)                           |
|                                            \   \               |
|                    username (20 bytes)     /.../               |
|                                            \   \               |
+---------------------------------------------    ---------------+
|                                            /   /               |
|                RSA signature (20 bytes)    \...\               |
|                                            /   /               |
+--------------------------------------------   -----------------+
|                            data                                |
|                                                                |

Figure 3.1: The P4 message header.

0 (bytes) 1   2          3 4           7 8         15 16      35 36       65
| flags   |  -  | plugin ID | data length | message ID | username | signature |

Figure 3.2: Another view of the P4 message header.

Note: All fields in the P4 message header, system messages, and other data types are sent using network byte order (i.e. big-endian) unless specified otherwise. Also, all numeric fields are unsigned integers.

Note: All IP addresses sent in P4 messages are in IPv4 format. For example, the dotted quad is represented with the following four bytes:

|  0xD0  |  0x11  |  0x32  |  0x04  |
  byte 1   byte 2   byte 3   byte 4

Figure 3.3: An IP address in IPv4 format.

The fields in the message header are described as follows (the length of the field is given in parentheses after the name):

  • flags (1) The flags field contains eight significant bits, one for each message type and a couple for other options. The flags are:
Flag Bitmask
HELLO 0x02
PING 0x04
LKA 0x10
DATA 0x20

Figure 3.4: The flags.

The CONNECT, HELLO, PING, DISCOVER, LKA, and DATA flags signify the type of the message. Only one of these flags may be set at a time. The ENCRYPTED flag signifies that the data is encrypted with the sender’s private key using RSA encryption. The ENCRYPTED flag may only be set if the DATA flag is set. The BROADCAST flag signifies that the message should be broadcast to all clients that the recipient is connected to (except the sender). The BROADCAST flag may not be set with any of the CONNECT, PING, DISCOVER, or LKA flags. It must be set with the HELLO flag, and may optionally be set with the DATA flag.

  • for future use (1) This byte is currently unused. It may be used in future versions of the protocol.

    NOTE: The following is of historical interest only.

    This field used to be a hops-to-live field. The hops-to-live field was set by the sender and decremented once by each recipient. If a client received a message with hops-to-live set to 0, that message would not be forwarded. The only messages that required use of the hops-to-live field were HELLO, DISCOVER, and any message with BROADCAST set.

    The hops-to-live field was removed because it was redundant. The message ID field, together with a correct implementation of the protocol, should prevent loops. (See 6. Message Routing and Behavior.)

  • plugin ID (2) The plugin ID is an identifier that is unique to a plugin. It is used to multiplex DATA messages from (or to) different plugins running on the same client. (See 7.2. Plugin ID Management.)

    NOTE: A side effect of this is that no more than one instance of a given plugin may be running on a P4 client at any time.

  • data length (4) The length of the data (not including the header), in bytes. This means that the beginning of the next header can be located by adding the data length to the end of the current header.

  • message ID (8) The message ID is a numeric identifier for this specific message that is (hopefully) unique on the network for at least 10 minutes. The message ID of a BROADCAST message is stored by every client who receives it. If a client receives a BROADCAST message with a previously seen message ID, the message should be dropped (and not forwarded). Implementations of this protocol should use a collision-resistant PRNG to generate the message ID so that inadvertent collisions are minimized.

  • username (20) The username of the user who originally sent the message. This field must be null-terminated, so the effective maximum length for usernames is 19 letters.

  • RSA signature (20) The RSA digital signature of the message header, excluding the signature field, under the sender’s private key. More precisely, the message to be signed is the header, starting with the flags field and ending with the username field. The sender should ensure that the signature verifies with the public key for the username in the header, as this is how other clients will verify the signature.

  • data (variable length) The message’s data is stored here. This may be data for a plugin, network data, or empty depending on the message type. The length of the data is given in the data length field. Note that the data length field is 4 bytes, so the upper bound on the size of the data is 4GB.

4. Message Types

Each of the message types is described below, along with its usage and data format (if any). The length of the message’s data is given in parentheses after the message name. If a message does have data, it must be formatted according to the specifications below. The data is placed in the data segment of a standard P4 message, i.e. immediately after the P4 message header. There are are no gaps or padding bytes in the P4 data stream.

4.1. HELLO (variable)

0 (bytes)   3 4    5 6            7 8          29 30         51
| source IP | port | plugin count | plugin info | plugin info | ...

Figure 4.1.1: HELLO data format.

  • source IP (4) The IP address of the sender.

  • port (2) The port that the sender’s P4 client is bound to.

  • plugin count (2) The number of plugins that are active on this client. This must be the number of plugin info fields that are added to the end of this message.

  • plugin info (22) A field with information about plugins that are active on this client. (See 5.2. Plugin Info.)

The HELLO message is used to notify all clients on the network that a user has logged on. When a user starts a P4 client and logs on, the client sends a HELLO message as soon as it establishes a connection with another client (see 4.4: CONNECT). When a client receives a HELLO, it adds the sender to its LKA and forwards the HELLO to all of its other connected clients.

The HELLO message is also sent when a user starts or stops an active plugin, so that the active plugin information for that client is up-to-date.

The HELLO message is always sent through the P4 network. If a client receives a HELLO message without the BROADCAST flag set, the message is invalid and the client should close the connection.

If a client receives a HELLO message for a username that already exists in the LKA, the entry is updated. (There may not be multiple entries in the LKA with the same username.) If a user is logged on from one computer, and then logs on from a different computer, the HELLO message from the second computer will replace the LKA entry from the first computer. From then on, messages sent to that user will be sent to the second computer and not the first computer. However, the client on the first computer is not explicitly disconnected from the network. However, this may be provided for in future versions of the protocol.

NOTE: If a client sees more than one name for the same plugin ID, the client’s behavior is undefined. However, a client may not have two plugins installed with the same plugin ID.

4.2. PING (no data)

The PING message is used to query which user is logged into the P4 network at a given IP address. Usually, it is used to verify that a user in the LKA table is still connected at the address cached with their username. When a client receives a PING, they must respond with a PING-ACK.

The PING message has no data. It is always sent directly to a client, outside of the P4 network. If a client receives a PING message with the BROADCAST flag set, the message is invalid and the client should close the connection.

4.3. PING-ACK (no data)

The PING-ACK message is sent in response to a PING message. When a client receives a PING-ACK message and the username in the PING-ACK is different from the username in the LKA table, it should update the username in its LKA table. NOTE: If this happens, the new user’s HELLO packet must still be circulating in the network. Otherwise, the shared state is inconsistent.

The PING-ACK message has no data. It is always sent directly to a client, outside of the P4 network. If a client receives a PING-ACK message with the BROADCAST flag set, the message is invalid and the client should close the connection.

4.4. CONNECT (no data)

The CONNECT message is used to open a (semi-)permanent connection with another client. When a client sends a CONNECT message, it should add the recipient to its connection list. When a client receives a CONNECT message, it must add the sender to its connection list.

A client may not refuse a connection request. Also, unless the client program is exiting, it may not close an open connection unless the connection has been open for at least 30 seconds. This makes the bootstrap process more likely to succeed. If a client can only find the address of one other connected client, this ensure that it can open a connection to that client and send DISCOVER messages regardless of how busy the other client is.

A client should make a reasonable effort to keep its connection list populated, but not over-populated. No requirements are made, but it is suggested that the average size of the connection list be kept somewhere between 4 and 12 clients.

The CONNECT message has no data. It is always sent directly to a client, outside of the P4 network. If a client receives a CONNECT message with the BROADCAST flag set, the message is invalid and the client should close the connection.

4.5. DISCOVER (20)

0 (bytes)   19
|  username  |

Figure 4.5.1: DISCOVER data format.

username (20)

The username of the user who originally sent the DISCOVER message. Since this user must have sent a HELLO message, they should have an entry in the LKA, which we can use to get their IP address and port.

The DISCOVER message is used to find another client on the network to open a connection to. When a client receives a DISCOVER message, it must either forward the message to a random client from its connection list or send a CONNECT message to the DISCOVER message’s sender. It should forward the DISCOVER with probability 9/10 and respond with a CONNECT with probability 1/10.

NOTE: There is a possible refinement to this algorithm. Clients could forward a DISCOVER with probability relative to their number of connections. Well-connected clients could forward the DISCOVER more often than poorly connected clients. This may be specified in future versions of the protocol. However, it may not be easy to allow this kind of flexibility between implementations while still enforcing a reasonable response rate.

NOTE: Clients may disconnect from the network while holding a DISCOVER message, so a client that sends a DISCOVER message is not guaranteed to have a connection opened to them as a result.

The DISCOVER message is always sent inside the P4 network, but it is not broadcast. If a client receives a DISCOVER message with the BROADCAST flag set, or from a client that is not in its connection list, the message is invalid and the client should close the connection.

4.6. LKA (no data)

The LKA message is used to request a copy of the current LKA. A client should only send an LKA message to a client in its connection list. When a client receives an LKA message, it must respond with an LKA-ACK message containing its current LKA table.

NOTE: The LKA table that is returned in the LKA-ACK is only loosely current, because it is likely that there are still HELLO messages circulating in the network.

The LKA message has no data. It is always sent inside the P4 network, but it is not broadcast and not forwarded. If a client receives a LKA message with the BROADCAST flag set, or from a client that is not in its connection list, the message is invalid and the client should close the connection.

4.7. LKA-ACK (variable)

0 (bytes) 3 4
| LKA size  | LKA entry | LKA entry | ...

Figure 4.1.1: LKA data format.

  • LKA size (4) The number of users in the LKA table. This must be the same as the number of LKA entry fields that are added to the end of this message.

  • LKA entry (variable) An entry in the LKA table. (See 5.1. LKA.)

The LKA-ACK message is sent in response to an LKA message. The LKA-ACK must contain a copy of the sender’s current LKA table in the correct format. (See 5.1. LKA.)

The LKA-ACK message is always sent inside the P4 network, but it is not broadcast and not forwarded. If a client receives a LKA-ACK message with the BROADCAST flag set, or from a client that is not in its connection list, the message is invalid and the client should close the connection.

4.8. DATA (variable)

The DATA message is used to send data from a plugin to a plugin. The plugin that should receive the message is designated by the plugin ID in the P4 message header. Plugins are not restricted to sending data only to the same type of plugin. A plugin may send data to another type of plugin, either in the same client or a different client, by passing the destination plugin’s ID to the API Send or Broadcast function. For this to be successful, the source plugin should format its message according to the destination plugin’s message protocol.

Either one or both of the BROADCAST and ENCRYPTED flags may be used with the DATA message. If the BROADCAST flag is set, a client that receives a DATA message must forward it to all of its other connected clients. If the ENCRYPTED flag is set, the sender’s client must encrypt the data with the sending user’s private RSA key, and the recipient’s client must decrypt it with the sending user’s public RSA key. Encryption is done at the platform level.

5. Other Types

There are two complex data types that are sent within P4 messages. These are the LKA entry type and the plugin info type. They are described below.

5.1. LKA

Each client should maintain an LKA table, or Last Known Address table, that stores each known username and the last address and port where they were known to be logged in. This should be the last address that this user sent a HELLO message from. The details of this table are not specified in the protocol, and are left up to each implementation. However, some of the information in this table is sent over the network in the LKA-ACK message, which includes the number of entries in the table and each entry in a specific format. This is the format of the LKA entry field:

0 (bytes) 19 20     23 24  25 26         27 28       29 30       31
| username  | IP addr | port |plugin count | plugin ID | plugin ID | ...

Figure 5.1.1: The format of an LKA entry.

  • username (20) The username of this LKA entry.

  • IP addr (4) The last IP address where this user was known to be logged in.

  • port (4) The last port this user was known to be logged in on.

  • plugin count (2) The number of plugins that are active on this client. This must be the number of plugin ID fields that are added to the end of this LKA entry.

  • plugin ID (2) The plugin ID of a plugin that is active on this client.

5.2. Plugin Info

When a client connects to the P4 network, it must send a HELLO message with information about each of the plugins that are active. The information for each plugin is sent in a plugin info record. This is the format of the plugin info record:

0 (bytes)   1
| plugin ID |

Figure 5.2.1: The plugin info format.

  • plugin ID (2) The plugin ID.

    NOTE: The following is of historical interest only.

    The plugin info record originally held the plugin ID and the plugin name. However, the plugin name field was unnecessary, since plugin ID <-> name mappings are assumed to be well-known, and not provided by P4. (See 7.2. Plugin ID Management.)

    The plugin name field was an ANSI character string and was null-terminated, so the effective maximum length of plugin names was 19 letters.

6. Message Routing and Behavior

This section describes the routing behavior that a P4 client must adhere to.

  • A client may not refuse a connection request.
  • Unless a client program is exiting, it may not close an open connection unless the connection has been open for at least 30 seconds.
  • A client that receives a HELLO must add the originator’s username, IP address, and port to its LKA table.
  • A client that receives a PING must respond with an PING-ACK.
  • If a client receives a PING-ACK with a different username than the username stored in the LKA table for the source IP address, the client must replace the old username in the LKA table with the username in the PING-ACK.
  • A client that receives an LKA must respond with an LKA-ACK.
  • If a client receives a BROADCAST message, it must forward the message to all connected clients except the client it received the message from. However, if it has seen a message with the same message ID in the previous 10 minutes, it may not forward the message. (This is a lower bound on the time to remember previously seen message IDs – clients may remember them longer.)
  • If a client decides not to forward a DISCOVER, it must send a CONNECT to the originator of the DISCOVER.
  • A client must send every DATA message that is queued for sending by a plugin, and must pass to each plugin every DATA message that it receives with that plugin’s ID.
  • A client may not modify any message that it forwards.
  • A client must fill in the P4 message header completely for any message it sends, including the username and RSA signature fields. The fields must be correct.

No requirements are placed on the rate at which a client may send messages or open connections. However, it is in the developer’s best interest to place reasonable safeguards on bandwidth usage and open connections. If a rogue client is allowed to flood the network, it may become unusable, and less users will use the system as a whole.

7. Miscellaneous

7.1. PKI

P4 uses public key RSA encryption and digital signatures to perform authentication and data encryption. Public key encryption is used instead of a symmetric key cryptosystem (such as Kerberos) because the platform is user-based, not session- or transaction-based. However, this raises a common problem: how to do PKI, or Public Key Infrastructure.

P4 does not solve this problem. The P4 protocol does not place any requirements on how public keys are acquired, so clients may support any reasonable PKI that accesses the same public key database. Possibilities include a single Certificate Authority, a hierarchical Certificate Authority tree, or a web of trust similar to PGP.

TODO: [reference PKI doc here] For the purposes of CS194, we will implement a stub PKI and support for this PKI in our client. This is described in another document [reference PKI doc here]. This PKI will be intentionally insecure. However, P4 is designed so that if a secure PKI is used, then the entire system is secure.

7.2. Plugin ID Management

As with PKI, the P4 protocol does not place any requirements on plugin ID management. There are also no restrictions on how clients respond to plugin ID collisions, except that a client may not have two plugins with the same ID installed. We believe that there will be a low incidence of collisions. When there are collisions, it is the plugin developers’ responsibility to resolve them.

For the purposes of CS194, we will build a web site with the official, “sanctioned” list of plugins and IDs. However, clients are not required to access this list. Furthermore, we provide the list only as a convenience. We believe that the system can be consistent and self-regulating without such a list.

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