
hide library lines in Python unittest failure tracebacks

If you write Python unit tests with the built in unittest module, here’s a code snippet you can add to your TestCase classes to hide lines in tracebacks from libraries in your virtualenv and Python itself: def run(self, result=None): “””Override to hide stdlib and virtualenv lines in tracebacks. https://docs.python.org/3.9/library/unittest.html#unittest.TestCase.run https://docs.python.org/3.9/library/unittest.html#unittest.TestResult “”” result = super().run(result=result) def […]
essay, Uncategorized

Reverse Turing tests

I’ve been watching FailRace‘s Survive the Hunt series recently, and it’s fascinating. Dennis and his friends have invented a fundamentally new kind of hide and seek. They start by jumping into GTA 5, an online game with a convincing simulation of a busy city. They turn off the map, names, and other indicators that show […]

Bridgy Fed status update

Hi all! It’s been a while since my last status update on Bridgy Fed, its upcoming Bluesky/AT Protocol support, and the resulting firestorm. It’s coming along! It’s not launched yet, I still have a number of things to build and tests to run, but it’s getting there. Also, Bluesky’s current federation test is limited to […]

Bridgy Fed status update

Hi all! I finally got another big bit of Bridgy Fed interop working earlier today: bridging Bluesky replies, likes, and reposts into the fediverse. (Only the Bluesky federation sandbox, not real users, since federation is still months away.) Here are example screenshots: Lots more bug fixes, cleanup, and testing to do, but it’s nice to […]

Bridgy Fed has supported inbound @-mentions from the fediverse for a while, and now it supports outbound @-mentions too! Just link to a fediverse user profile in your post’s content with their full handle as the link text, eg @alice@example.social. Took a while to figure out interop, but we got there. Thanks everyone for the […]
quiet, Uncategorized

Bridgy Fed status update

Since our last episode, I’ve implemented the client side of ATProto federation in Bridgy Fed. I’m now creating new did:plcs, inter-service JWTs, and repos on the fly, converting posts to ATProto records, and committing them. I also stood up a serialized hub for serving those local ATProto commits to subscribeRepos subscribers, along with a task […]
quiet, Uncategorized

Bridgy Fed status update

Last time here, a couple weeks ago, I had an incomplete, bare bones ATProto PDS up and running. I planned to finish it, hook it up to the federation sandbox BGS and AppView, switch to did:plc DIDs, and learn and implement the v2 repo, websocket event streams, and subscribeRepos. All that is done! Along with […]

Bridgy Fed status update

I may start posting brief status updates here on my progress on Bridgy Fed toward a general-purpose decentralized social bridge. Maybe weekly or so. Here’s the first! The current phase is tracked in snarfed/bridgy-fed#512 . Right now I’m finishing the abstract router that handles incoming activities/events. It’s been tough figuring out the right abstractions! There […]