
GoodStorm Launch Party

Kieran graciously invited Dan and me to the GoodStorm launch party a few nights ago. It was a good time, a good group of people, and a very, very good cause. It was also a good excuse to shamelessly abuse the word good all night long. :P

Dan posted a pretty complete writeup, so instead of reinventing the wheel, I’ll just blatantly plagiarize him:

Last night I headed into the city with a friend to attend the GoodStorm launch party. If you are not familiar with GoodStorm it is a pretty cool idea. Basically Cafe Press with a heart and they are really out there trying to help community groups and non-profits get their message out and fund raise. The party was in a nice little book store in the Mission.

The crowd was a really interesting mix of people from the various groups (Cross Left was right next to Think Blue) that were participating with GoodStorm at the time of the launch and friends of the people that actual made it happen. It is pretty sweet when you figure that the whole site and company was basically thought of and build in about 6 months by a couple dozen people. Got to love it.

Following the launch party Ryan, Kieran and I headed over to Madjool for the after party and to meet up with a group of fellow geeks. Here is a really crappy picture take with my phone from the top of Madjool of the Mission and the city in the background. I need a real camera.


And of course, since we were in the Mission, we hit up Cancun on the way back to the car. Taste Al Pastor burrito with extra cheese. Yummy.


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