I am certain every digital shutter-bug has their own workflow for archiving and sharing their digital photos. My workflow maintains an archive of every photo I take, organized by date, and a second set of albums that are for sharing. In the past, I would need to manually copy the photos that I wanted to share and then use and application to generate the web pages/thumbnails etc. so that I could share these pictures. I wanted to streamline my workflow into a single application.
So I present: MAlbum: Maulik’s Album application
- Quick and easy graphical interface for creating a web album
- Quickly add captions to photos
- Easily add/remove photos from the album
- Cross Platform (like Jalbum)
- Easily maintain an archive of original photos, and build a library of albums to share (like Picasa)
- Re-open an album, load captions and images and once again add/remove photos and add/remove/change captions
- Zero Install (executable jar file, <60Kb)
Existing Packages
- Jalbum
- Operates on every picture from a single directory. Cannot combine pictures from different directories.
- Web Album Generator
- No keyboard short cut to remove pictures from selection.
- Web albums do not link to original photos
- Picasa
- Cannot add captions, only keywords
Extensions (To Do list)
- Archive browser
- Easily find the photos you want to work on
- Drag and drop interface
- Work with the Java Media Framework to work with videos
- Change the List on the left side to a Tree that would organize by date
Download an Sample
- Download MAlbum.jar
- Jar file includes source and Makefile
- Relased under GPL
- Sample Album
Usage and Requirements
- Java 1.4.1
- Windows: Double click on MAlbum.jar
- *nix: java -jar MAlbum.jar