Scalyr log parsers

We use Scalyr at work. It’s great; we love it. Here are a few of our homegrown Scalyr log parsers. They’re primarily useful for handling logs with messages that span multiple lines. You can try them out on Scalyr’s log parsing tester (requires account).


Here’s our parser for Python application logs from the built in logging module.

  patterns: {
    // e.g. 08/Apr/2015 23:34:52
    tsPattern: "\\d+/\\w+/\\d+ [0-9:]+"

  timezone: "PST",
  formats: [{
      id: "python",
      format: "^\\[$timestamp=tsPattern$ $logger$\\] $severity$: ",

  lineGroupers: [{
      start: "^\\[",
      haltBefore: "^\\[",

Here’s a corresponding log snippet:

[06/Apr/2015 23:34:51 datasets.genes] ERROR: No gene list is available. You should run "xyz datasets:dump_gene_list"
[06/Apr/2015 23:34:52 py.warnings] WARNING: /path/to/ RemovedWarning: this_fn is deprecated in favor of that_fn.

[06/Apr/2015 23:34:52 request] ERROR: Internal Server Error: /sample_dashboard
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/path/to/", line 3, in get_response
    response = wrapped_callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
  File "/path/to/", line 5, in wrapped_view
    return view_func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/path/to/", line 7, in view
    return self.dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
DoesNotExist: matching query does not exist.
[06/Apr/2015 23:35:22 datasets.genes] ERROR: No gene list is available. You should run "xyz datasets:dump_gene_list"

Supervisord, Celery

We use this parser for supervisord and Celery. It probably also handles a number of other daemon style logs.

  patterns: {
    // e.g. 2015-04-06 21:35:23,935
    tsPattern: "[0-9-]+ [0-9:]+,[0-9]+"

  timezone: "PST",
  formats: [{
    id: "supervisord",
    format: "^\\[$timestamp=tsPattern$: $severity$/$process$\\] ",

  lineGroupers: [{
    start: "^\\[",
    haltBefore: "^\\[",

Here’s a corresponding log snippet:

[2015-04-06 18:40:14,735: WARNING/MainProcess] celery@ip-10-0-5-113 ready.
[2015-04-06 18:40:14,991: WARNING/MainProcess] Substantial drift from celery@ip-10-0-1-173 may mean clocks are out of sync.  Current drift is
48 seconds.  [orig: 2015-04-06 18:40:14.991652 recv: 2015-04-06 18:41:02.997980]

[2015-04-06 18:40:18,616: INFO/MainProcess] Events of group {task} enabled by remote.
[2015-04-06 21:35:23,935: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: util.mailer._send_transactional_email[c324201d-175f-416d-9f94-8bb143d5c189]
[2015-04-06 21:35:25,241: WARNING/Worker-1] WARNING Property: Unknown Property name. [36:3: -webkit-text-size-adjust]

One thought on “Scalyr log parsers

  1. Thanks for this.
    You explained it much better than their own docs :)

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