SWAT0 is a social web interoperability test. The first indieweb demo happened in July 2015. Here’s the outline:
- With their phone, A takes a photo, tags it with B, and uploads it using a service
- B gets a notification on another service that they’ve been tagged in a photo
- C, who is subscribed to A, sees the photo on yet another service
- C comments on the photo
- A and B receive notifications that C has commented on the photo
Silo SWAT0 is a variant where one or two people (but not all three) participate entirely inside a silo. The other participant(s) interact with the silo participants via POSSE, backfeed, and silo feed proxies and converters like facebook-atom.
Kyle Mahan and I did an end to end silo SWAT0 test on Facebook on 2015-11-16. We did another with Ben Werdmülller live at Homebrew Website Club on 2015-11-18. We think these were the first ever, at least on purpose. (Ironically, the tools and services we used have been up and running for a while, with many users, so it’s probably already happened many times over without anyone noticing.)
The first time, fake user Snoøpy Barrett (driven by me) was A, I was Facebook-only user B, and Kyle was C. The second time, I was A, Ben was B, and Kyle was C. The sequence of events and tools used were the same both times. Here’s the first, illustrated:
1a. Snoopy (A) takes a picture,
posts it to snarfed.org (WordPress) with the
WordPress Android app, and tags me (B) by
including a u-category h-card
link to snarfed.org
1b. Snoopy also includes a Bridgy Publish link in the post. The WordPress Webmention plugin sees it and sends a webmention to Bridgy, which triggers it to POSSE the post to Facebook.
1c. The picture appears on Facebook, with me tagged.
- Facebook notifies me that Snoopy tagged me in a picture.
- Kyle (C) uses Woodwind as his reader and subscribes to his Facebook news feed via facebook-atom. He’s friends with Snoopy, so the Facebook photo post appears in Woodwind.
4a. Woodwind supports inline commenting, liking, and reposting via micropub. Kyle comments on the picture inside Woodwind, which posts the comment to his site, running Redwind.
4b. Redwind POSSEs the comment to Facebook using Selenium.
5a. Facebook notifies me of the comment.
5a. Bridgy polls Snoopy’s Facebook posts, sees the comment, and backfeeds it to the original post via webmention. The WordPress webmention and semantic-linkbacks plugins receive the webmention, fetch the comment from Bridgy (translated from Facebook’s API into microformats2), and add it to the original post as comments.
5b. This triggers WordPress to email Snoopy and notify him of the comment.