
Bay to Breakers

Like around 100,000 other people, I ran in Bay to Breakers last Sunday. OK, only around 35k actually ran. The rest were more like a party on wheels…er, legs. Highlights included tortillas, elephants, naked people, fake naked people, a 12 foot trojan horse, a portable earthquake shelter, and the world record for number of smurfs in one place. Oh, and lots of beer.

Back to the running, though. I’ve been running for a while, but this was the first organized run I’d ever done. It was 12km (7.5 miles), which was pretty intimidating, but I actually did better than I expected. Not quite as good as some people, who finished 80th…but some people are semi-pro. I was just happy that I ran the whole thing, and at a halfway decent pace.

If you want more, Google News, the Merc’s wrapup, and the Chronicle’s wrapup are good starting points.


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