It’s been almost 10 years since I started this web
site, and modulo a few tweaks, it’s looked basically the same way it did at the
…until now. It’s been a great ride, and I’m glad the design held up this long, but the web has moved on: high res images, infinite scroll, responsive design, symbol fonts. It’s high time for a redesign…and here it is! It’s based on the Ryu WordPress theme, with a full bleed header and a lot of custom CSS.
I’m still debugging, but I think it’s going to work out. Let me know what you think!
Looks good. Seems like we spent our weekends the same way :)
thanks! yours (and Zach’s) were obviously both huge inspirations.
Cool stuff!
Love the redesign, huge improvement.
Awesome blink tags!
I just realized how similar this design is to my first web site, which was up during 1998-2003. even the header image is the same!
Nice! You should redesign the NSA deck. Oh wait, I shouldn’t say that in public. Also congrats on startup life! via Facebook
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