ryan October 15, 2013 Best response so far, from Jeremy Pollack: Nah, big data is more like heroin. Sounds all sexy and exciting when people talk about it, but then mostly turns out to be a bunch of boring, overrated shit like marketing analytics.
Ryan Barrett October 15, 2013 “Big data is like teenage sex…” http://t.co/1wzBWRBAvR http://t.co/ydTkwqN02R via Twitter
PlayVox October 15, 2013 RT @snarfed_org: “Big data is like teenage sex…” http://t.co/1wzBWRBAvR http://t.co/ydTkwqN02R via Twitter
Laz Vekiarides October 15, 2013 RT @snarfed_org: “Big data is like teenage sex…” http://t.co/1wzBWRBAvR http://t.co/ydTkwqN02R via Twitter
Rashid Rashidov October 15, 2013 RT @snarfed_org: “Big data is like teenage sex…” http://t.co/1wzBWRBAvR http://t.co/ydTkwqN02R via Twitter
Anton Pasechnikov October 15, 2013 RT @snarfed_org: “Big data is like teenage sex…” http://t.co/1wzBWRBAvR http://t.co/ydTkwqN02R via Twitter
Rutger van der Eijk October 15, 2013 @cvjepsen so true (accept for some who already do it for more than 10 years (eg http://t.co/dvFG5EBSIb)) via Twitter
Roman Romanchuk October 15, 2013 RT @snarfed_org: “Big data is like teenage sex…” http://t.co/1wzBWRBAvR http://t.co/ydTkwqN02R via Twitter
AnToShA Bill October 16, 2013 RT @snarfed_org: “Big data is like teenage sex…” http://t.co/1wzBWRBAvR http://t.co/ydTkwqN02R via Twitter
Serge October 16, 2013 RT @snarfed_org: “Big data is like teenage sex…” http://t.co/1wzBWRBAvR http://t.co/ydTkwqN02R via Twitter
Valeriy Rabievskiy October 16, 2013 RT @snarfed_org: “Big data is like teenage sex…” http://t.co/1wzBWRBAvR http://t.co/ydTkwqN02R via Twitter
yura taras October 16, 2013 RT @snarfed_org: “Big data is like teenage sex…” http://t.co/1wzBWRBAvR http://t.co/ydTkwqN02R via Twitter
Michael R October 16, 2013 RT @snarfed_org: “Big data is like teenage sex…” http://t.co/1wzBWRBAvR http://t.co/ydTkwqN02R via Twitter
TIPM (Mick Rooney) October 20, 2013 Big Data (via Ryan Barrett) http://t.co/C0HJWjdE5L http://t.co/U1tmeyoIAS via Twitter
Claus Jepsen October 21, 2013 @RutgervdEijk interesting. Maybe worth looking into whether or not their approach is applicable to business apps via Twitter
Best response so far, from Jeremy Pollack:
“Big data is like teenage sex…” http://t.co/1wzBWRBAvR http://t.co/ydTkwqN02R via Twitter
it’s funny because it’s true :-p
RT @snarfed_org: “Big data is like teenage sex…” http://t.co/1wzBWRBAvR http://t.co/ydTkwqN02R via Twitter
Big data is like teenage sex… http://t.co/QYqGd9ADNp via Twitter
RT @snarfed_org: “Big data is like teenage sex…” http://t.co/1wzBWRBAvR http://t.co/ydTkwqN02R via Twitter
RT @snarfed_org: “Big data is like teenage sex…” http://t.co/1wzBWRBAvR http://t.co/ydTkwqN02R via Twitter
RT @snarfed_org: “Big data is like teenage sex…” http://t.co/1wzBWRBAvR http://t.co/ydTkwqN02R via Twitter
@cvjepsen so true (accept for some who already do it for more than 10 years (eg http://t.co/dvFG5EBSIb)) via Twitter
Big data http://t.co/AQohqoCXPz via Twitter
RT @snarfed_org: “Big data is like teenage sex…” http://t.co/1wzBWRBAvR http://t.co/ydTkwqN02R via Twitter
RT @snarfed_org: “Big data is like teenage sex…” http://t.co/1wzBWRBAvR http://t.co/ydTkwqN02R via Twitter
RT @snarfed_org: “Big data is like teenage sex…” http://t.co/1wzBWRBAvR http://t.co/ydTkwqN02R via Twitter
RT @snarfed_org: “Big data is like teenage sex…” http://t.co/1wzBWRBAvR http://t.co/ydTkwqN02R via Twitter
Big data and teenage sex http://t.co/26waKI5TJl via Twitter
RT @snarfed_org: “Big data is like teenage sex…” http://t.co/1wzBWRBAvR http://t.co/ydTkwqN02R via Twitter
RT @snarfed_org: “Big data is like teenage sex…” http://t.co/1wzBWRBAvR http://t.co/ydTkwqN02R via Twitter
#truestory http://t.co/0P789fWLAN via Twitter
This is hillarious !! via Twitter
Big Data (via Ryan Barrett) http://t.co/C0HJWjdE5L http://t.co/U1tmeyoIAS via Twitter
@RutgervdEijk interesting. Maybe worth looking into whether or not their approach is applicable to business apps via Twitter
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