
Tel Aviv surfing club

My sister told us a great story yesterday. She surfs at Half Moon Bay regularly, and she met up with a girl from Tel Aviv who learned to surf with the unofficial Tel Aviv Surfing Club. The far eastern edge of the Mediterranean doesn’t really have waves to speak of, though, so they spent all their time practicing paddling.

When she moved to California and discovered the Pacific Ocean’s waves, she called her surfing buddies back in Tel Aviv and said, “Oh my god, you guys, you have to come out and surf with me! There are actual waves here! This is what we’ve been training for!


2 thoughts on “Tel Aviv surfing club

  1. If you ever come to Tel Aviv, let me know, I’ll be glad to be your guide!

    I’m sure you’ll call your Pacific Ocean buddies and say, “Oh my god, you guys, you have to come out and swim with me! There is actual warm enjoyable water here!”

  2. haha, so true! SF may have waves at its beaches, but that’s pretty much the only thing it has over Tel Aviv. thanks for the offer, we may take you up on it eventually!

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