essay, Uncategorized


Usually, I write a blog post by…well, by writing it. I’m going to try something new this time: I’m going to not write a post. Hell, I’m going to not write a whole bunch of them. Like other writers I admire, I always have a handful of ideas in the back of my mind that […]
essay, Uncategorized

Sometimes, quantitative = qualitative

Part of my Unwriting series. Precedent is a dangerous thing. Armed with the right web searches, you can easily find social security numbers, usernames and passwords, passport scans, board meeting minutes, and other sensitive information. The standard response is, “Those things were already exposed to the public on the internet.” We wrap ourselves in that […]
essay, Uncategorized

Streamlined life

Part of my Unwriting series. In our last episode, I thought about what it means when technology helps us reclaim so much of our time and energy. It’s one reason I feel so damn lucky to have such a good life. I’m healthy, secure, stable, confident, comfortable, challenged, engaged, and just plain happy, or at […]
essay, Uncategorized

Story in games

Part of my Unwriting series. A debate has raged in the game industry for years. On one end, people like Chris Crawford and David Cage argue that storytelling is the highest calling for games, the only one that matters. On the other end, David Jaffe, Tadhg Kelly, and Roger Ebert insist that games’ strengths lie […]